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SC Johnson
Copy for website articles and emails featuring home improvement tips, product news and savings for Right@Home, a lifestyle website from SC Johnson.
Advertising, Copywriting, Writing
Johnson & Johnson Consumer Health
Copywriting for Johnson & Johnson Consumer Health, including their corporate website and LinkedIn page.
Copywriting, Advertising, Writing
Illinois Lottery
Copy for a microsite and online advertising to support the Illinois Lottery's holiday campaign encouraging people to "Joy Someone" with the gift of lotto tickets. On the site, users could customize e-cards or create printable cards to give with the lottery tickets.
Advertising, Copywriting
Bayer Didget
Website copy and global marketing toolkit for the launch of Didget, a blood glucose meter that rewards children with diabetes for consistent testing with fun games they can play online or on their Nintendo DS. The global marketing toolkit included a content library and copy and design guidelines for each country to implement the website in their local market.
Advertising, Copywriting
Website copy including product descriptions, recipes, nutrition content and company information for thinkThin, a brand of nutritious snack bars available nationwide.
Advertising, Copywriting
Clearing the Clot
Patient education campaign raising awareness about DVT and interventional treatments that can help reduce the risk of DVT-related complications. Wrote copy, did content strategy and acted as creative lead for the website, patient stories, doctor discussion guide and multiple email campaigns.  The site won six awards, was featured on the Today show, was scaled globally to over 30 countries and successfully delivered bold, bite-sized content that educated a younger audience about a condition that's often associated with old age.
Copywriting, Advertising
Website copy and content strategy for BodyGuardian, a family of remote cardiac monitors designed to help healthcare professionals diagnose and treat patients with cardiac arrhythmias.
Copywriting, Advertising, Writing
Copywriting for a website, as well as multiple in-office brochures, direct mail pieces and email campaigns for Stelara, a medication for patients with psoriatic arthritis.
Advertising, Copywriting
Website redesign for LensCrafters to help shift the audience's perception of eyeglasses from a medical necessity to a must-have fashion accessory. My role included creative concepting and copywriting, including writing hundreds of product descriptions, trend videos, style articles, frame personality quiz, online appointment scheduler and more. The site was honored by Forrester Research for combining "usability with top-notch branding in a single web property."
Advertising, Copywriting
Eluvia Drug-Eluting Stent
Creative direction, content strategy, concepting and copywriting for the U.S. launch of the Eluvia Drug-Eluting Vascular Stent System. Deliverables included a campaign website, online advertising and a series of 20+ targeted emails.
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